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An individual or organization that buys goods or services from a business.

Business Glossary provided by


A customer is the recipient of a good, service, or product from a seller, vendor, or supplier for monetary or other valuable consideration. Customers are central to business strategies aimed at attracting and retaining them by meeting or exceeding their expectations through quality service, product innovation, and effective marketing.

Context of Use:

The term "customer" is ubiquitous across all types of industries and businesses, wherever goods or services are offered. It is central in discussions concerning sales, marketing, customer service, and consumer behavior. Businesses often classify customers into different segments based on various criteria like demographics, purchasing behavior, and preferences to tailor their approaches effectively.


The primary purpose of identifying and understanding customers is to fulfill their needs and expectations through targeted products or services, thereby creating customer satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business. Engaging customers effectively leads to increased brand loyalty, word-of-mouth promotion, and long-term revenue growth.


Salesforce: As a leading provider of customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, Salesforce serves a wide range of customers across different industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, and retail. Salesforce excels in understanding the unique needs of its customers by offering highly customizable CRM platforms. These platforms enable businesses to manage customer interactions, track sales leads, conduct marketing campaigns, and provide post-sale services. By leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence, Salesforce helps its customers gain insights into consumer behavior, enhancing customer engagement and satisfaction. This tailored approach has made Salesforce a crucial partner for businesses looking to maintain strong, productive relationships with their customers.

Related Terms:

  • Consumer: Often used interchangeably with customer, though typically refers to individuals who consume or use the goods and services purchased, not necessarily the ones who purchase them.

  • Client: Refers to a customer in a professional services context, where the relationship is ongoing and involves a deeper level of consultation and customization of services.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): A technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with current and potential customers. It helps improve business relationships, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

  • Customer Satisfaction: A measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation.


What is the difference between a customer and a consumer?

A: A customer is someone who purchases goods or services, while a consumer is someone who uses them. In many cases, the customer and consumer can be the same person, but not always.

How can a business attract more customers?

A: A business can attract more customers by understanding their needs and preferences, offering quality products or services at competitive prices, providing excellent customer service, engaging in effective marketing and promotions, and building a strong brand reputation.

Why is customer satisfaction important?

A: Customer satisfaction is crucial because it leads to repeat purchases, customer loyalty, and word-of-mouth advertising, which can all significantly impact a company’s revenue and growth.

What role does customer feedback play in a business?

A: Customer feedback is vital for businesses as it provides insights into what customers like and dislike about a product or service. It helps businesses make informed decisions about product improvements, service enhancements, and market needs.

Can customer relationships impact business success?

A: Yes, maintaining positive customer relationships is essential for business success. Strong relationships can lead to increased customer loyalty, more frequent purchases, and a higher likelihood of referrals, which all contribute to sustained business growth.

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